News Updates
As of February 20, 2014
First women’s History Conference in Arizona, March 28-29, 2014
Chandler-Gilbert Community College, Chandler, Arizona
2626 E. Pecos Road, Chandler, AZ 85225-2413
The panelists, speakers, and facilitators have confirmed participation and plans are now underway for the announcements and flyers regarding the inaugural Arizona women’s history symposium at Chandler-Gilbert College on 2626 Chandler Blvd., Chandler. Having a community college participate by donating the meeting space as co-sponsors is a productive collaboration. AWHT is delighted with this support and participation.
The program speakers are confirmed with preparation of the commemorative first Arizona women’s history conference underway. Listing of all events and time schedule is available through this link on the Arizona Women’s Hall of Fame website:
The registration form and other informational documents are linked through the Arizona History and Archives Division of the State Library:
We thank the AWHT scholars who worked with Dr. Melanie Sturgeon and me, as Symposium Co-Chairs. Each scholar agreed to serve on the Arizona Humanities grant as advisor for this historic event. These notable scholars are Doctors Christine Marin, President of AWHT, Mary Rothschild, Chair of the AWHT scholars’ board, and Mary Melcher, former AWHT historian and currently Sharlot Hall Museum Education Program Manager. Other AWHT Executive Committee members have advised and worked with the conference co-chairs. These scholars will be attending the symposium and participating on the program panels and discussion groups.
Two featured speakers are the Honorable Sandra Day O’Connor, Supreme Court Associate Justice (Retired), and Dr. Karen Anderson, Professor Emerita, UA Department of History as the luncheon speaker.
Other presenters include Dr. Katie Benton-Cohen, Associate Professor of History at Georgetown University, Washington D.C., Dr. Heidi Osselaer, Adjunct Professor, Women’s History at Arizona State University (ASU), Dr. Katherine Morrissey, Department of History at University of Arizona (UA), Dr. Octaviana Valenzuela Trujillo, Professor of Applied Indigenous Studies at Northern Arizona University (NAU), Dr. Geta LeSuer, Professor of African Studies at UA, Dr. Judy Nolte Temple, Department of Gender and Women’s Studies.
All of these distinguished speakers, the Arizona Humanities Council grant AWHT scholars and all other program participants are representative of notable scholars, researchers, archivists, librarians, writers, and women activists throughout Arizona and the nation.
If you have questions regarding the program or registration please contact Liz Garland, State History and Archives Division, at 602-926-3720 or Email Questions regarding anything else, please call Dr. Melanie Sturgeon at the same phone number for Liz or the other Symposium Co-Chair, Joan Meacham @ 480-471-7792, Email address:
Please note when reviewing the program that each session is followed by discussion involving the entire audience. This unique opportunity for an exchange of discourse between the various specialists to network with each other and the audience is an opportunity seldom experienced. One other symposium update is that we must charge a nominal registration fee of $20.00.
We hope to see you there and look forward to a productive and enjoyable time together!
AWHT Honor Roll
We are offering the opportunity to honor a loved one, former teacher, professor, colleague — anyone who has made a major impact in your life affecting your education or your career, or someone providing notable service to their respective community. It may be also someone who has helped the cause of women’s equality or women’s history expansion.
Organizations may also wish to honor an outgoing officer or major supporter.
The AWHT Honor Roll is now up on the website under the section Search on our home page. It is a very simple process to honor someone. Simply make a donation to AWHT of $50.00 or more and send along with a paragraph of approximately 150 words telling why you wish to honor this person. Please list the full name and their primary residence. The honoree may be alive or deceased, male or female. If the person is deceased, please list their birth year and year of death also. Mail the request with your donation to AWHT at the address in Mesa listed on the homepage.
We hope you join us in this endeavor. This recognition offers public acknowledgement and is a lovely gift or memorial. It is also a source of inspiration and provides role models for us all.
On a Personal Note:
I am announcing my retirement from the AWHT Executive Committee effective March 31, 2014.
I have many projects which are demanding my attention, a book to write, archival records to organize and hopefully some travel! I am publicly acknowledging the guidance and assistance I consistently received from the AWHT Scholars’ Board and Executive Committee and in particular, Dr. Mary Melcher, out former AWHT Historian. I also particularly thank Judy Register and Dr. Mary Rothschild for taking the leadership role of Chair of the entire AWHT Council, and lastly, Chris Marin, the current AWHT President. There have been many helpful advisory committee members as were all statewide pertinent agencies including ASU College of Liberal Arts and Sciences through the ASU Foundation. The Foundation served as our fiscal agent during our past developmental phase.
I have loved being a part of the development of the AWHT and look forward to even more AWHT expansion and public educational programs in Arizona women’s history!
Joan Anderson Meacham,
AWHT Founding Director Emerita, Women’s History Symposium Co-Chair
Arizona Women’s History Alliance Co-Founder
AWHT Information:
Regular Mail: Arizona Women’s Heritage Trail, 1225 W. Main Street #101, Box #159, Mesa, AZ 85201.